There are only a few ways to determine which rating and review software program is most productive. This software provides customers with a way to communicate with business owners as to their satisfaction or lack thereof with the company’s product or service. The software also provides a survey for customers to give feedback as to their satisfaction for business owners to use as social proof – testimonials to visitors new to the site that they were happy with their purchase.
So, to determine which rating and review software program is most productive, we must ask which allows the most organized form of communication between the customer and the business owner. Then we must ask which program provides the highest number of responses from customers in the form of surveys that business owners can use as testimonials and ratings.
Best Ability to Communicate
Shopper Approved provides the ability for customers to communicate with business owners much like other rating and review software companies. However, when issues of dissatisfaction are resolved, Shopper Approved provides the customer with another opportunity to rate and review the company.
When the customer takes advantage of this opportunity, the previous, unfavorable rating and review is erased from the database. If the issue is not resolved, the negative review and rating remains intact.
Best Ability to Convert a Customer’s Buying Experience into Ratings and Reviews
Through independent testing, it has been proven that Shopper Approved garners more than 70 times more responses from its survey requesting ratings and reviews than their closest competitor. This means that for every five responses their competitor’s business owners receive from surveys, business owners supplying their customers with Shopper Approved surveys receive 350 responses.
If you are a large company with 10,000 orders sold monthly, and you are not using Shopper Approved, you might get 20 – 50 customers responding to your rating and review software instead of receiving between 1,400 – 3,500 responses.
Using these guidelines, Shopper Approved is clearly the most productive rating and review software program on the market today.